
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

              All legit online jobs
Sir or madam we really thankyou that you choose our blog so now we start a free class for making money online without any scam and all legit sites In today's world many companies or sites give you a lot of job online which is for anyone any person can make money online If it is housewives student part time job searchers so it is very easy to work online but  many sites are also fake so please follow my above webities to gain real money and there is no limit to make money It's your potential. 

1) Paid to click sites
    Paid to click sites means you get money to watch adds and company pay you money and there are referral program in it means that you earn money by referring your friends and 10 to 15% of their earnings suppose you have 10 friends 8 linked him by your referral and per person  earn 12.5 dollars so you will get 1.25 dollar from their earning but you will earn to your capacity there is no limit to earn but approxitmately you will earn 200-300 dollars  and all sites are without investment 

Top listed Ptc (paid to click site) 
 2) Scarlet-clicks
 4)Gtp planet 
 7) Clixten

2) Afflicting marketing 
In this way you earn money more but you will earn money when anybody buy products from your link so you will get some % of that money suppose you sell products of 10000 it's 10 to 70% means you will get 1000 to 7000 I thaink that you gained knowledge about Afflicating marketing.

List of all afflicate  marketing sites
 1- Peerfly

3) Paying survey 
 Many sites provide you to give the answers of their questions and they will pay you You can earn
 5-30 dollars for 3-60 minutes survey and it is very good way to earn. They all work on commision many companies give him money to do this type of survey so they can earn more profit and became NO.1 in market
 List of all legit survey sites
  1.  1-Swagbucks
  2. Toluna
  3. Vivatic
  4. MySurvey.
  5. OnePoll
  6. survey bods
4) Captcha solver
 In this you earn money for solving one type of image code which is use for verification that you are not a robot Many sites give money to solve Per 1000 captcha and it require very fast writers that is not more fast but you have speed to solve 800-900.captchas per hour and it is very easy Do not stress and start today to make money from captcha solver 

 List of all legit captcha sites 

  1. Kolotibablo 
  2. Megatypers
  3. protypers
  4. Protypers
  5. captcha 2 cash
5) Youtube Channel
      In youtube channel you play your choice videos/TVprograms/songs/Information/tips and tricks 
If you will get hit then all You get a approved googl adsense account Now the question arise what is google adsense? Google adsense is service of google that display adds on your youtube channel 
and give you money and it is so awesome way but you have more traffic on your youtube channel and it is 100% legit 

6) Make money through website
Make website today increse your audienece on that means 1000s of people came on your site everyday and you like your sites content and then apply for google adsense and google will give you adds and people came on your site see adds and google will pay you

7)Make money through blogger
what is Blogger? Blogger work as a site but in site many people is associated and blogger is your own you reflect your thoughts into whole world and many people became inspired from you get help from blogger If you have good followers so sign up for Google adsense.

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